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ROSEN BRIDGE Candle England's Rose

ROSEN BRIDGE Candle England's Rose

Regular price $ 195.00 HKD
Regular price Sale price $ 195.00 HKD
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Here we bring you the rose of England. 

氣味 Scents : 玫瑰 Rose, 茶 Tea


About Wick:
Wood wick

1. 請使用普通打火機或火柴,防風打火機溫度太高,會將木芯燒掉。
2. 點蠟燭時可將蠟燭微微打斜,令火更快平均燒著整條木芯,亦可輕輕轉動蠟燭,令熱力更快傳到附近的蠟上。如木芯有特別高出的部分,需要輕輕修剪。留下3-4mm。
3. 開始時木芯容易被吹熄,要待蠟池溶至5毫子直徑才會穩定,因此要避免放於大風處,亦可用火輕輕熱溶芯附近的蠟協助。
4. 環境因素也有影響,避免放蠟燭於潮濕地方,如洗手間。木芯碰到水氣會很難燃點。

Cotton wick
綿芯碳化後,需要作出適當修剪(至3-4mm長度), 否則火焰會過大,影響蠟燭氣味。

To prevent fire and injury, burn candle in sight. Keep away from vibrations. Keep out reach of children and pets. Never put candle near anything can catch fire.

Only burn candle on fire resistant surface. Do not burn the candle for more than 3 hours. Do not extinguish the candle before the surface of soy wax is completely melt. Do not use when ½ inch wax remain on bottom.

Be careful the tin maybe hot when burning. 

Rosen Bridge蠟燭芯是以可持續生產的木片製造。燃點蠟燭時可留意以下幾點:

1. 初次燃點時蠟燭芯可能會熄滅,因為週圍的蠟未及溶化,可再作嘗試, 待蠟溶化足夠後火焰就會變得穩定。

2. 每次點火的頭兩三分鐘,蠟光都會比較暗弱不穩,請耐心等待數分鐘時間,當熱力足夠時,火焰會變得穩定。

3. 盡量不要修短蠟燭芯,因蠟燭芯太短會令火種被蠟浸熄。

4. 如蠟芯太短不能燃點,可用匙羹將蠟取走,再用吹筒將蠟熱溶平復。使用木芯的原因是因為木芯燃燒時有細微聲響,更有氣氛,而且木芯碳化比較輕微,不會燻黑蠟燭,不會殘留灰燼。

Rosen Bridge Candle is made by pure soy wax and sustainable wood wick.
There are few points you may interested in when igniting the wood wick.

1. First time ignite the candle, wood wick may extinguish shortly. It is normal as the wax pool is not large enough for stable burning. Ignite again and wait for few minute, it will be burning fine.

2. The wood wick need to warm up every time. The flame will look weak and unstable at the first few minutes, it will be stable shortly when the wax is warm enough, please be patience.

3. Don't shorten the wick, burnt wick is easy to crack, if it is too short, it will not be able to ignite again.

4. If wick is too short to burn, take some wax out by spoon, and blow the candle by hair dryer to flatten the surface.

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