Teomati Sacred Copal Incense Sticks
Teomati Sacred Copal Incense Sticks
Teomati Sacred Copal incense is handcrafted in the Mountains of Central and Southern Mexico using top quality natural copal resin.
Copal is a resin derived from the "Copal Tree" that when burned produces a white smoke that's used as support for healing, cleansing, protection, contemplation or simply for relaxation. These and other uses are backed by thousands of years of ceremonial use by native mesoamericans, particularly in ancient Mexico.
Each pack contains 8 sticks, and each stick can last up to 90 minutes.
Incense is around 8" long. Handcrafted from pure Mexican copal resin.
*Copal will melt and may drop down when igniting. Don't do it on flammable surface.
Teomati Sacred Copal incense是在墨西哥中南部山區,以最好的copal樹脂手製。
Copal Resin 柯巴脂 是一種天然樹脂,採集自Copal Tree,燃點時的白煙據說有治癒,潔淨,保護的作用。古代的中美洲人會用於禱告或各種儀式中。
燃點後3-5分鐘, Copal的香氣會慢慢散發。
for more details貨品一般會於確認付款後的兩個工作天內寄出。
Items will be shipped within 2 business days.店中自取貨品請於收到"領取通知"電郵後,於營業時間內到尖沙咀店自取。
如於通知後3個月內未取,貨單將會取消並不會退款。 -